Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Boxes Storytime 12/2/14

Book read:
Not a Box by Antoinette Portis

Other book suggestions: 
Thank you Bear by Greg Foley
The Birthday Box  by Leslie Patricelli

ASL Sign of the Week: Box

I Like to Be a Jumping Jack (from Storytime Katie)
I like to be a jumping jack
And jump out from a box. (jump up)
I like to be a rocking horse
And rock and rock and rock. (rock back and forth)
I like to be a spinning top
And spring around and around. (spin)
I like to be rubber ball
And bounce right to the ground. (fall to the ground)

Jack in the Box 

Boat on the Waves
The boat on the waves goes rock, rock, rock,
Rock, rock, rock. Rock, rock, rock.
The boat on the waves goes, rock, rock, rock.
All round the lake.

Other verses include:
The wind on the sails goes swish, swish, swish.
The waves on the lake go up and down.

Pizza man, Pizza man
Pizza man, pizza man, turn around.
Pizza man, pizza man touch the ground.
Pizza man, pizza man, smell a rose.
Pizza man, pizza man, touch your toes.
Pizza man, pizza man, touch the sky.
Pizza man, pizza man, wave goodbye.
Pizza man, pizza man, turn around.
Pizza man, pizza man, sit back down.
Pizza man, pizza man, shake your head.
Pizza man, pizza man, go to bed.

Jack in the Box (with scarves, from Jbrary)
Jack in the box,
Sits so still.
Will he come out?
Yes he will!

Movement Cube

We decorated a box coloring sheet with torn paper.

Literacy tip of the week: Playing pretend (as the child in "Not a Box" does) is an important way to develop your child's imagination. This is vital to literacy because reading requires the imagination of events in a story.

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