Friday, April 10, 2015

Chickens and Eggs Storytime 4/7/15 and 4/8/15

Books read:
Whose Chick Are You? by Nancy Tafuri
The Cow Who Laid an Egg by Andy Cutbill

Other book suggestions:
Roly Poly Egg by Kali Stileman
Feathers for Lunch by Lois Ehlert
Charlie Chick by Nick Denchfield

ASL Sign of the Week: Bird

If You're a Chicken and You Know It
If you're a chicken and you know it cluck like this,
If you're a chicken and you know it cluck like this,
If you're a chicken and you know it, then your face will surely show it.
If you're a chicken and you know it, cluck like this.
Additional actions: flap wings, scratch, peck

Shake, Shake, Shake (to the tune of "Do your ears hang low?", from Storytimes and More)
Can you shake your egg up high?
Can you shake your egg down low?
Can you shake it side to side?
Can you shake it by your toe?
Can you shake it really fast?
Can you shake it really slow?
Can you shake your egg?

I Know a Chicken (from Laurie Berker's CD "Whaddaya Think of That?")

Chick in the Egg (modified version of "Jack in the Box" found on Jbrary)
Jack in the box,
Sits so still.
Will he come out?
Yes he will!

So Many Eggs (from "Liven Up Your Storytimes" a 2010 ALA Presentation by Kathy MacMillan and Christine Kirkner)

Animal pictures are placed in plastic eggs, kids can come up and open each egg for the group as you say this rhyme:

I found a nest while walking one day.
"Look at all the eggs!" I had to say.
I waited and waited, and what did I see?
Crack! Who hatched? A baby ______ was looking at me!

Literacy tip of the Week: Acting out songs with lots of movement is a great way to develop your child's large motor skills.

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