Book read:
Chicken Storytime by Sandy Asher
If You're a Chicken and You Know It
If you're a chicken and you know it cluck like this,
If you're a chicken and you know it cluck like this,
If you're a chicken and you know it, then your face will surely show it.
If you're a chicken and you know it, cluck like this.
Additional actions: flap wings, scratch, peck
If you're a chicken and you know it cluck like this,
If you're a chicken and you know it cluck like this,
If you're a chicken and you know it, then your face will surely show it.
If you're a chicken and you know it, cluck like this.
Additional actions: flap wings, scratch, peck
The Wiggle Song (adapted from Pasadena Library)
We wiggle up high,
We wiggle down low,
We wiggle fast,
We wiggle slow,
We wiggle to the ceiling,
We wiggle to the ground,
We wiggle and we waggle and we dance all around!
We wiggle up high,
We wiggle down low,
We wiggle fast,
We wiggle slow,
We wiggle to the ceiling,
We wiggle to the ground,
We wiggle and we waggle and we dance all around!
Do as I'm doing (from Jbrary)
Do as I'm doing, follow, follow me.
Do as I'm doing, follow, follow me.
Actions include: clapping, stomping, spinning, etc.
Do as I'm doing, follow, follow me.
Do as I'm doing, follow, follow me.
Actions include: clapping, stomping, spinning, etc.
Row, row, row your boat
Literacy tip of the week: Clapping and stomping are great ways to emphasize the syllables in words.