Book read: Tap the Magic Tree by Christie Matheson
A Tree is a Home (from Holiday Zone)
A tree may be a home for a bird (flap arms like a bird)
A tree may be a home for a bee (buzz hand like a bee)
A tree may be a home for a snake (slither like a snake)
A tree may be a home for a monkey (swing arms)
I would if a tree would make a good home for me? (point to self)
Frisky Squirrel (to the tune of "The Grand Old Duke of York", from HCPL Storytime)
Oh, the frisky squirrel,
He gathers nuts and seeds, (pretend to gather seeds)
He hides them for the winter months,
So he'll have all he needs!
Oh, up, up, up he goes! (reach up)
And down, down, down he comes. (reach down)
He runs around, goes up and down, (run, go up and down)
His work is never done!
Five Little Monkeys Swinging in a Tree
We hit the floor together,
Literacy tip of the week: Share your favorite holiday tradition with your child. The more you talk and share words together the more language your child is exposed to.